This summer I directed, wrote, and edited my first short film, Beached.
About The Film
This project was a direct result of my experience as a MIHI x A24 Beyond the Screen fellow this summer. Sessions with A24 mentors and industry leaders on the business of production, post-production, and distribution widened the scope of the film industry that I both understood and that I felt I had access to explore. The fellowship also connected me with a cohort of other passionate female, BIPOC filmmakers who have both inspired and supported me as I’ve grown as a filmmaker.
Screenshot from Beyond The Screen by MIHI x A24 mentorship session.
From my Beyond the Screen experience, I gained the confidence to boldly venture into Stanford’s summer arts intensive program, where I spent two long weeks creating two short films from scratch. Without my Beyond the Screen background, I wouldn’t have felt equipped to tackle these new challenges and push the envelope of creativity in the ways that I did. Traveling an hour off-campus, working on a beach where our instructors warned us wind would be an issue when recording sound, working with a limited amount of natural light as we were filming outside instead of in a controlled space, and only being able to shoot for one day, were all challenges that I confronted during my shoot. Because of Beyond the Screen, I felt solidified in my identity as a filmmaker, and therefore had the confidence to persevere and problem solve, no matter what obstacle was thrown in my way. In the end, my team and I crafted a film I was extremely proud of and that I was able to share with the Stanford community during the Arts Intensive showcase.
Images from the screening of Beached at the Stanford community during the Arts Intensive showcase.
I’m so proud of where I’ve come this year as a filmmaker thanks to the Beyond the Screen program and cannot wait to see how I continue to evolve as a creator and storyteller in 2023. Thank you so much to Made in Her Image and A24 for giving the next generation of storytellers the tools and confidence to step into and embrace their purpose.
From Made In Her Image:
We got very inspired by the work ethic of our mentee Tyler Newman and the amazing creation of her first film, Beached. Therefore, Made In Her Image is giving away a shot list template so that you as well can be prepared for your upcoming films.
This industry standard template will give your project a sense of direction and prepare your crew for film expectations.
We wish you abundance and prosperity in your art and craft!
*Please create a copy in order to edit.
You are so fortunate to have crossed paths with MIHI &24A!! Your story is inspiring and excellently expressed in this blog. Congratulations and carry on strong!
Johan Beckles
MIHI Advocate